explaining online

All 1 House

Our Company is designed to organise your job to make the process easier!

We Specialise In All Aspects Of Extensions Nationwide!


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Become a Full Design and Build!!
Providing you with a quick and effective PLANNING COURSE
Run you through all types of Planning and applications.
The only thing you need to know, with all legislation is printed and given to you.
For experienced builders only, as the course is compressed.
No more need for an Architect! You’re a full Design and Build!
Planning Permission
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With our CRM, we will support you with all Planning applications
Meaning and how?
The client has a login in section, to show the works being done and all invoicing which they have paid. Our architecture team logs in the back end and does the drawings according to your basic sketch which you have finalized with the client.
We then book a zoom meeting through the same CRM to go through if there need to be any changes.
Once ready we will submit it for you!
We will also chase up the council for you on your behalf!
You then control the job can get your deposit and wait for the paper at the price of next to nothing!
planning permission
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We also offer you pricing for the materials
some things are not included as you can imagine such as Foundations, Bricks, Skips, and scaffolding but we can give you a price for the entire job, deliver it accordingly with your working schedule. ALSO, provide you with the building regulations and structural calculations.
We have a quick survey for you to go through to get a Quick Quote.
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We will provide your logo on top of the CRM and in all the Drawings!
Proper Professional Service!
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Through our CRM we are able to give you direct support, in existing drawings and other professional services.
Our CRM is designed to segment different planning types such as LDC, Householder, etc
You are able to manage the client through their own login, run them through the drawings, and back and forward. Text them to get back to you, or even send an invoice directly through the CRM.
Emails, Whatsapp, and Zoom are entered gradable!
Leaving you on top and assured that everything is running smoothly.
explaining online